Tuesday, February 17, 2009

30 Rock

I've been writing comments on other blogs and ignoring my own. It was posed that 30 rock has gotten soft this season and I agreed:

I agree I watched 30 rock Season 1 on DVD and has accelerated in it's implausibility and over-the-top-ness too rapidly. You see it in many shows.
Example 1: Simpson's around season 8 or so on.

Example 2:Seinfeld after Larry David left
Unfortunately, 30 Rock seemed to make this leap in about a season and a half! They're all sitcoms, their all there to make us laugh, but we laugh harder when the show is grounded in reality and then taken out of it by humor. Baldwin and Fey were great in season one because the characters were at odds. CEO vs creative type. Now they're buddies for the most part and it's not as exciting. They also take up 80% of the screen time. This is a large cast! When was the last time they used the writer's room or a sketch from TGS with Tracy Jordan?