Friday, October 10, 2008

Heroes Woes

I think the majority of the viewing audience was impressed by the 1st season of NBC's heroes and let down by the abbreviated second season. But to have the creator, TIm Kring, openly admit to missteps is the best mea culpa you can give to a nerd *crosses fingers and wishes that George Lucas has found this rarely updated blog*. So I gave them a clean slate. There was a writer's strike, I'm sure it was upsetting to the creative process. I start to hear rumblings out of San Diego Comic Con that the premiere shows a return to form. My friend Tanya pumps me up for the series premiere and.................?!

It actually got worse.

The bottom line: This is a show called HEROES however NO ONE ACTS LIKE ONE!

The dirty details: The show went completely off the rails, introducing I believe their 4rth apocalyptic future (Watchmen did it in one, fellas) and confusing anyone watching who doesn't have a story bible. I have no reason to care about any of the characters because they're too self absorbed and pathetic. Let start up a super team or something! You called this season villains, where are they? Sylar is still somewhat compelling, but while watching him steal Claire's power a second time I couldn't even remember why he needed to do it again. What else were we treated to? A goony female speedster who by the way ladies and gentlemen, does not have a runner's body. We also have three super criminals released from the companies vault. I will confess the dude who feeds off fear is a decent actor, but you see him in one episode and then suddenly we're watching him in the future doing something different. This type of stuff wouldn't even fly on the Sci-fi channel. And of course no one staying dead which turns the thing into a Road Runner cartoon. I've used the Whedon pinciple so many times now: If there's no concequences, the stories begin to not matter. That's why sci-fi nerds went apeshit over Firefly, we showed how grave things were and then characters you loved died because of it. The only characters that die in HEROES are the ones that don't matter. After letting the super powers evolve nice and easy over the course of season one, they're now all over and way to powerfull. Look for future Peter Petrelli to spin the earth the other way ala Superman from '78 in the season finale. I, however, won't be there.

I'm Mike D and I'm back from the dead

"Chillin' at the beaches down at Club Med"
-Shake Your Rump Beastie Boys 1989

OK over a year, huh? I've fallen into the death trap oh so many blogs fall into. But no more! Here comes some post